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The Fuller Circle

Named for Stephen Fuller Austin, The Fuller Circle is an exclusive invite-only event series highlighting Texas authors, artists, or storytellers. Current AHCA members are invited to attend a ticketed luncheon or happy hour at a special Austin venue. Guests are encouraged to invite one potential new member to share in the event, learn about the importance of the AHCA, and enjoy an intimate presentation.

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September 1, 2023


We celebrated what would have been Governor Ann Richards 90th birthday with a sold-out crowd! Our featured speaker, Margaret Justus founded the Ann Richards Legacy Project in 2021, a nonprofit that created and displayed 300 Ann Richards street banners in major Texas cities across the state. The banners honored the 30th anniversary of the inauguration of Ann Richards, for whom she served as deputy press secretary...

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February 15, 2023


Ken Roberts spent more than two decades researching marginalized, rural people across the world, studying their migrations from the rural areas to the cities. So he found it unusual that a group of people right across the Balcones Fault from his native Austin would have hung on in the hills well in to the 1960s. When granted some significant time off from his teaching responsibilities at Southwestern University, he decided to tell their story. His book, The Cedar Choppers: Life on the Edge of Nothing, explores this legendary Texas subculture who migrated from Appalachia to the Texas Hill Country in the late nineteenth century. He lives on a ranch outside Liberty Hill, Texas.



October 4, 2022


Jesse Sublett is an author, musician, and painter in Austin. This is his fourteenth book. He last wrote about the Austin underworld in 1960s Austin Gangsters: Organized Crime That Rocked the Capital. Other notable books include Armadillo World Headquarters: A Memoir (with Eddie Wilson) and his memoir Never the Same Again: A Rock ‘n’ Roll Gothic.


O. Henry Room
Austin History Center
810 Guadalupe
Austin, TX 78701
P.O. Box 12546

Austin, TX  78711-2546   


© 2023 by Austin History Center Association.

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