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Application Requirements for 2023 Katherine Drake Hart Award

APPLICATIONS are due by Friday,
April 12, 2024

Submission Requirements

Applications are to be submitted electronically, including description of achievements and supporting documents such as newspaper articles and photographs. Previous nominations can be resubmitted, with updates of achievements as necessary.


Application should explain why candidate is eligible for this award based on outstanding achievements in the following areas which contribute to the rich and diverse history of Austin and Travis County:

  1. Research and writing books and/or articles

  2. Historic documentation through writing, video or photography

  3. Documenting and archiving histories of cultural heritage

  4. Preserving Austin and Travis County history by donation of original archives to the Austin History Center


Application Components

Application components include:

  1. Cover page, followed by

  2. Text describing nominee’s achievements (no more than 5 pages, single spaced)

  3. Supporting documents (photographs, newspaper articles in pdf or jpg; no more than 10 pieces of supporting documentation)


Cover page for application should include the following:

  • Name, address, e-mail, and telephone number of the person making the nomination

  • Name, address, e-mail, and telephone number of the person being nominated


Following the cover page, the contributions of the nominee will be described in a text document, preferably in Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf).


Photographs and copies of newspaper articles in jpg or pdf may be submitted separately from text document. Each file must be labeled with first name of applicant then indication of subject (ex: PenningtonBookCover.jpg, PenningtonatBrushSquare.jpg).


If applicants have any questions about procedures, they may e-mail Martha Hartzog at 


Submission of Application

Please send a notice to Martha Hartzog, Chair, indicating the Intent to Submit, by April 1, 2024 (contact information below). She will be able to answer questions about the submission process. The application should be submitted by e-mail to her at; her cell phone is 512-431-2682.  


Deadline for Submission of Materials: Friday, April 12, 2024.


Sample Application: For a pdf sample of the application of the 2020 winner, Gloria Mata Pennington, please e-mail Martha Hartzog at​.

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